Separately, we want to allow Haunt to be a viable Soul Shard spender talent. It’s not ideal that even on a sustained multi-target fight right now, Malefic Grasp wins out over Writhe in Agony on the same row, when at first glance Writhe in Agony looks like it should be the go-to talent for sustained multi-target since its benefit scales up uniformly per additional target whereas Malefic Grasp reads as a single-target talent. Malefic Grasp at a high tuning value is a heavy contributor to that. There are things about Affliction that we’re not entirely happy with, many of which the community has echoed, and the current feel of Affliction being a single-target spec that focuses its damage into one target rather than spreads its damage out over many targets more evenly, is generally one of them. With the current state of Affliction, the talent is taken on virtually every situation in Nighthold, from single-target to sustained multi-target boss fights. In general, we agree that communication is warranted since we changed/nerfed a widely taken talent. I'd like to talk a bit about the change to Malefic Grasp. Thanks for the posts and feedback so far. I am assuming there is some upcoming adjustments to our baseline dot damage to offset the MG nerf and give us better multi-dotting, but without any hint of this on the PTR, it's very difficult to guess where we're heading.Ĭan we have some communication on this change and the intended direction for Afflcition in 7.2.5? As it stands now, without some kind of communication, these adjustments are going to cause some serious strife in the Affliction Community. Obviously this is leading to some question about the direction of Affliction moving into 7.2.5 and the Tomb, as our set bonus is saying, "single target drain" for play style, but the PTR changes are effectively saying, "do not play the single target drain build". This is also further compounded by our current T20 set bonus, which puts a lot of emphasis on drain damage and complete drains - both of which are part of the MG play style, which was just effectively neutered. This is the kind of large adjustments I was under the impression that the developers intended to avoid considering the artifact system. In brief testing on a target dummy (I know, not the best reference), the 30% nerf to MG is accounting for a drop of about 27% DPS for this character using MG, Contagion, SL, GoSup, and Effigy from Live to PTR. I realize we're only a few builds into 7.2.5 and I am trying to remain patient with the incoming changes to Warlocks, however this latest change to MG seems very extreme, and I am asking for some transparency from the developers on the intention behind this change.