Setting it at 0 makes the time limit infinite, I believe. One thing that is VERY useful is that you can edit the tag to give yourself more time to complete a quest. I'd recommend not changing their names or IDs, because that might disable any flags and make them uncompletable. A lot of these are untested so beware what you play with. The first section encodes very simple character data, including your name, appearance, gender, and a few other strings. Both files contain this portion of the data, but it's easier to edit in SaveGameInfo, so edit in there first. I'll be taking this in rough segments for what you can edit. Anything you change inside the files NEEDS to be changed on both of these files otherwise your game will crash when you load it. Saves are encoded on two files, one with the name of your char and another with name 'SaveGameInfo'. Make sure to create a backup of anything you edit so you can always fall back on your original stuff. Inside that folder, you'll find a folder for each of your save files.

"C:\Users\ \AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves" For those of you that want to edit your save files for any reason in particular, cheating or otherwise, the process of doing it is actually very simple and easy to accomplish.